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Law of Allowing

Law of Allowing — The Ultimate Key to Unlock Law of Attraction

If you are anything like me, there is a lot going on in the world that you really don’t like: war, pollution, children starving, factory farming, people cutting you off on the freeway, kids screaming in restaurants, even little things like thoughtless comments made by family members or co-workers. As we go through our days focusing on all these unpleasant things, we may tend to get more and more tense.

That’s the opposite of Allowing! 

Chill Out!

Law of Allowing

Law of Allowing is all about unwinding your tension. As soon as you start releasing your irritation and accepting (and even appreciating) what is, things magically start to lighten up and go more smoothly.

All the wonderful things you’ve been asking for start flowing to you almost effortlessly, because you are no longer holding them back with your focus on what you DON’T like or want.

Sometimes you have to kiss the frog if you want the prince to appear!

As long as you are resisting what is right in front of you, you’re blocking the good things from coming to you. Try loving it all instead — even the stuff you don’t like.

Nobody really wants to kiss a frog, but when you release your resistance and revulsion, you’ll find that it’s not so hard to see the beauty in things. The metaphor of kissing a frog is all about looking beneath the surface and finding things to appreciate no matter how ugly they may appear to be in the moment. Then magic can happen in your life.

Try it! (I actually think frogs are cute, but I prefer not to kiss them.)

What is Law of Allowing?

Allowing means getting out of your own way and letting the Universe deliver everything you’ve been asking for.

ReceivingIf there is something you really want:

  • Stop wishing for it
  • Put it out of your mind
  • Let it go
  • Trust that it is on its way
  • Find something else that is fun or uplifting to do instead

Your wish has already been granted the moment you wished for it — and usually what you really wanted was a way to feel good.

Even if it seems like you want a new house, a fancy car, kids graduating from college, a puppy, money, or anything else, the underlying reason you want them is because you think they will make you feel good in some way.

Why not just go straight for feeling good?

Learn More About the Law of Allowing

I learned about the Law of Allowing from Abraham, through Esther Hicks. I think they offer the best information available on the subject of Law of Attraction and universal laws in general. It’s what most of the recent LOA books and films (i.e. The Secret) on the subject are based on.

I use Abraham teachings every day in my own life and in almost every session with my clients. As far as I’m concerned, it is just about all you really need to know to create a smooth-flowing and prosperous life.

Because I have been so focused on learning how to use Law of Attraction and Law of Allowing in my own life, I have discovered lots of tools, modalities, and methods to enhance my ability to allow and attract what I want in my life. I want you to know about these tools, and modalities, too. That is one of the reasons I created my Faehallows Magical Foundation Course.

The more people learn how to attract what they want in life, the more joyful, prosperous, and peaceful our world will be. That’s something to get excited about!

But why not let Esther tell you about it, herself?

Watch this YouTube video of Ester Hicks speaking for Abraham on the Law of Allowing 

Here’s Another One 

Are you feeling inspired yet?

I hope so!

Email Bernadette Wulf  
