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Practical Magic Tools to Transform Your Life

I call it Practical Magic, because you can use these magical tips and tools in your daily life to change your reality for the better — simply by shifting your consciousness.

From Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck © Bernadette Wulf Available on

Practical Magic Tips will Help You:

  • clear your blocks
  • get unstuck
  • solve problems
  • line up opportunities
  • step out of unpleasant situations
  • discover the humor and joy of living
  • find the path to your dreams

This is different from the spiritual path of Magic as taught in my Celtic Mystery School Foundation Course, because Practical Magic is focused on how you can make your life better every day in the mundane world without being controlled by the events of the world.

Using Practical Magic Tips and Tools

Would you believe me if I told you that Practical Magic is really easy?

Why not try it just to see what happens?

When you realize that magic is all about changing your consciousness at will, you realize that Practical Magic is just a matter of shifting your perspective.

As soon as you change your inner perception and uplift your energy, everything around you will change — even things in the material world.


Imagine you have a problem: You need to find a job. Maybe you have been job hunting for weeks, but have seen no results. You are getting pretty discouraged.

  • First, be sure the job you are looking for is what you REALLY want.
  • Then, get super clear about EVERY aspect of the ideal job you desire, down to what you wear, the hours you work and the location.
  • Dream BIG! You can always make adjustments later, but it is important to start out with a clear picture of your ideal.
  • Practical MagicThen GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to have what you want!

Yes, you can give your-SELF permission to have or do or be anything you want.

Don’t wait for someone else to tell you it’s okay. You are the captain of your ship. Decide where you want to go and how you want to get there.

Then relax and wait for inspiration to strike — and then follow it. It will feel good, maybe even exciting. That’s where the Magic happens.

Practical Magic solutions:

  • Pretend you are the queen of wands/spears (or king if you prefer) holding your Magic wand. Now picture your dream job in glorious detail with sparkles over everything. Wave your wand over it saying, “Make it so,” like Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek. You ARE the captain of your own ship. Take command!
  • Or send waves of energy out from your heart to surround the job and everyone involved with it, saturating it with your love and Magic. Then allow a trickle of energy to flow back to you while you feel deep gratitude for the fact that the job exists… somewhere, somehow. Keep doing this until the job appears.
  • Or you could: Look around you and notice something uplifting that catches your eye and take its name as your own. For example, as I look out my window now I see a tall eucalyptus tree reaching up to pink sunset clouds. I rename myself: “I am eucalyptus reaching pink clouds.” If the name makes you feel lighter, keep using it until your job shows up. If not, find another name. Silly names are often the most powerful, especially if they make you laugh. When you find a good name you will feel a positive shift in your energy.
  • You could also start asking questions: What else is possible? How can it get any better that this? These are magical questions from Access Consciousness.

Those are just a few things you can do to get started. The possibilities are endless, because YOU are endless.

The whole key to Practical Magic is to find ways to make yourself feel better. This will uplift your vibration, allowing what you want to appear. It is Law of Attraction in action.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for lots more Magical Tips.

Tricks for Using Practical Magic Tools

Queen of Swords from Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck — Available at © Bernadette Wulf
Queen of Swords from Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck — Available at © Bernadette Wulf

These Magical tools can really help to focus your energy and change your consciousness. One of my favorite Practical Magic tools is my Magic Sword.

It is invisible, but it always comes in handy in situations where someone is droning on about their problems, or when I’m waiting in a line, or in traffic that doesn’t seem to be moving.

Just imagine pulling out your sword and cutting through the stuck energy, while dancing like a fencer in a swashbuckling movie, shouting “Snicker Snack! Snicker Snack!”

Snicker Snack comes from Lewis Carroll’s nonsense poem “Jabberwocky.”

One, two! One, two!
And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

It is very silly, but nobody else even knows what I’m doing.

Before long, the energy shifts and the droning person starts looking for something more fun to do, or a couple of people leave the line and it starts moving forward. Try it. It’s fun!

Using Tarot Cards

You may have noticed that I’ve included a couple of tarot cards on this page — from my Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck. They are very good Practical Magic tools.

They represent archetypal images that speak directly to your subconscious mind in a powerful way. (Your subconscious controls over 90% of your experience!)

Use uplifting images from Tarot cards when you want to shift into a more positive state of mind. Become the Queen of Swords and see how it feels. Does it feel uplifting? If your answer is yes, then it will help to raise your vibration and clear the way for your dreams to come true.

Three Main Keys

The three main keys to using Practical Magic are:

1. Find something that makes you feel lighter — anything
2. Ask questions rather than drawing conclusions
3. Take an unexpected approach and surprise even yourself

Set Yourself FREE!

When you break up old energy patterns with Practical Magic and get off to a fresh start in life, everything changes.

Are you ready to create some Practical Magic in YOUR life?

Practical Magic Tips to Shift Your Consciousness at Will

Try Them Next Time You Want to Change Your Reality:

Ask a question
Thank your problem
Offer your problem an amusing gift
Appreciate something — anything
Practice gratitude
Just say YES!
Draw a picture
Give yourself a mission
Rename yourself
Rename your obstacle
Look for signs
Light a candle
Rewrite your story
Wave your wand
Create a dance
Make up a chant
Trust your feelings
Ask an angel for help
Create a hero’s journey
Take a Shamanic journey
Call your spirit animal protectors
Expand your awareness
Pull energy to you and trickle it back out
Laugh at yourself
Play with children
Ask for what you want
Kiss a frog (metaphorically)
Follow a bird
Work in your garden
Take a walk in Nature
Talk to your reflection
Pull a tarot card
Act as an archetype
Ask your animal guides for direction
Do something ridiculous
Visit a faery
Command the molecules
Hug a tree
Sit on a rock
Walk like a star
Practical magicTurn on your sexy smile
Flirt with strangers
Wear a silly outfit
Put sparkles in your hair
Watch a funny movie
Swing a sword
Fall down a rabbit hole (metaphorically)
Make a wish
Create a ritual
Make up a chant (enchantment)
Write a poem
Do something different
Do anything different

Notice the Magic!

It is Everywhere if You Look for it

You may feel uplifted just by reading through the list above. That is Practical Magic at work.

Bernadette Wulf - Celtic Magic & Faery Lore TeacherImagine what will happen when you actually put these tools into practice!

Email Bernadette Wulf


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